Scoil Dara is a voluntary secondary school under the trusteeship of
The school was formed in 1991 when the two voluntary secondary schools in Kilcock, Scoil Iosa (girls) and Meanscoil Iosaif (boys) amalgamated. The first Principal of Scoil Dara was Sr. Eileen Pender (Principal of Scoil Iosa) and the first Vice Principal was the Vice Principal of Scoil Iosa, Mrs Fiona Duke, RIP.
The decision to amalgamate was taken in May/June 1984. Following the decision to amalgamate, plans were put in place to extend Scoil Iosa and locate the new co-educational school on that campus. The planning process for the new school was subjected to a number of delays at government level due to scarcity of funds for school buildings.
During the period 1984 to 1991 an active Fundraising Committee worked very hard to gather the ten percent local contribution required for the new building project and additional funds to provide additional facilities over and above those being provided by the Department of Education and Science.
Two of the principal additional facilities provided through the Fundraising Committee’s efforts were: 155 sq metres of additional PE Hall space and the drainage and development of the land now available to the school for playing pitches.
When the two secondary schools closed in June 1991 the total enrolment was 580 and when Scoil Dara opened in September its enrolment was 660 students.
The amalgamation of the two schools was a very harmonious one and this is due in large measure to the quality of the leadership of the two former Principals, Sr Eileen Pender and Brother Liam Nolan. They were single minded in their determination to provide the Kilcock community with the best educational facilities for the future. The Trustees of the two congregations, Christian Brothers and Presentation Sisters, were very supportive of the amalgamation and provided considerable financial and other assistance to the new school.
The ethos of Scoil Dara is shaped by the school’s inherited tradition, by the teaching staff, and by students and parents. Ethos is a constant evolution and we believe that a strong sense of care, a sense of joy, co-operation and friendship are the strong components of the school’s ethos.
Since its formation Scoil Dara has been managed by a Board of Management.